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I support adults through mid-life career change and young people reconsidering their direction after entering the workforce.

Wherever you are in life, you want to make a change in your career, but don’t know how or where to start. Perhaps you’re experiencing a lack of confidence and sense of feeling stuck. Having experienced my own sense of unease within my previous career in fashion, I understand that change can feel big and scary! I attribute my big career shift down to my own work through the Firework programme.

I became a licenced Firework  Career Change Coach in 2018 and am also a qualified Psychotherapeutic Counsellor. Change often comes with a lot of anxiety and stress and I combine my coaching with more therapeutic work to support you through the challenges you face.

Now, with the privilege of insight as both client and coach, I look forward to supporting you in gaining clarity, confidence and fulfilment in your working lives.

Please get in touch to arrange a free introductory online call.

What is Firework™?

Developed in 2004 and based on three years of research, the Firework™ programme is one of the longest-established career coaching programmes in Europe. Its structure offers space to stimulate your creativity and imagination and discover your strengths and values. It enables you to become clear about what you want from your career and devise a plan on how to create it. It implements a variety of engaging tools, from written exercises to guided visualisations, all thoroughly tried and tested.

The Firework™ programme is flexible and whilst I use this approach as the main body for our work together, I adapt each session to your individual needs. This is not a rigid one-size-fits-all system. No two people are the same and therefore what works for one person may not work for another. Each step along the way we collaborate to ensure you are getting a programme tailored towards your personal progress.

What is Firework™?

Developed in 2004 and based on three years of research, the Firework™ programme is one of the longest-established career coaching programmes in Europe. Its structure offers space to stimulate your creativity and imagination and discover your strengths and values. It enables you to become clear about what you want from your career and devise a plan on how to create it. It implements a variety of engaging tools, from written exercises to guided visualisations, all thoroughly tried and tested.

The Firework™ programme is flexible and whilst I use this approach as the main body for our work together, I adapt each session to your individual needs. This is not a rigid one-size-fits-all system. No two people are the same and therefore what works for one person may not work for another. Each step along the way we collaborate to ensure you are getting a programme tailored towards your personal progress.

The Firework™ programme works through three phases:

is a journey of self discovery in life and work, inquiring into who you are now and what you want to be. You’ll gain insights into your strengths, achievements and understand what makes you tick and brings you fulfilment.

‘Dream’ is the stage where you let your imagination and desires be expressed, generating a bank of ideas that offer a spectrum of career possibilities. From here, using the knowledge you’ve gained from the Explore stage, you’ll begin to hone in on the direction that feels right for you.

‘Discover’ bridges the gap between the situation you’re ‘stuck’ in now and where you want to be. It will give shape and form to your vision and provide the opportunity to formulate practical and actionable steps towards your new reality.



As a standalone, the full Firework programme is a minimum commitment of 14 weeks.
Sessions are 1 hour online at £70 per session


Want to find out more?

It’s important to find a coach/counsellor who you feel comfortable with. I am happy to offer a free introductory online call to help us discover whether we are the right fit to work together and how I can provide the support you need.

Just get in touch, and we’ll take it from there.



“Working with Gemma has been inspiring, fascinating and empowering. Gemma listens intently and has a real talent in finding common themes in things I hadn’t noticed in myself. Gemma would succinctly extract key points, tying it back to my strengths, passions, values and motivators. I now feel empowered that I can do something different, something I know I’d be good at and would be aligned with my strengths and values.”

– KATE, Hampshire, UK

“Gemma created a safe environment where I could be really open with the explored possibilities. I can’t thank Gemma enough. It’s been such a wonderful experience & I’m glad she was there to guide me. Coming out the other end, I feel so much clearer in the direction that I want to take. It’s as if the fog around my brain has been lifted & I have clarity again.”

– SALLY, Staffordshire, UK

“Working with Gemma showed me to stay true to my highest vision for myself. She is a great listener and motivator, patiently helping me to take action for positive changes in my life. She held me accountable for following through, reminding me I can dare to dream big for myself. Thank you Gemma.”

– HELLEN, New York

“Working with Gemma has been an absolute delight. She has a beautifully warm, calming and nurturing energy. Gemma has a gift for creating and holding a safe, supportive space where I was able to fully explore my underlying motives, struggles and resistance. When I was feeling stuck, Gemma helped me to be honest about what was really holding me back without any judgement.”

– KATHLEEN, New York

“Gemma’s attitude completely put me at ease… Gemma is passionate about helping you to understand and clarify your values. She has a unique ability of seeing patterns within your skills, experiences, values and motivators; information that can help to bring personal insight.”

– EMMA, Devon, UK